Tea, a drink with many virtues!
A simple cup of tea is a complex mixture of over 500 active substances. The benefits of tea have been recognized since the 19th century through the study of its components: theine, tannins, and water. Tea is rich in: vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, K, P, and PP, calcium, potassium, copper, zinc and fluorine. It is thanks to the antioxidant virtues of green tea, very beneficial for the functioning of the body and to preserve its youth, that it contributes to the good balance of the body and its defense.
What are these virtues that we lend to tea?
- He would maintain the nervous system,
- prevent cancer,
- slow down aging,
- promote drainage,
- avoid cavities,
- fluidify the blood,
- control hypertension, etc.
Tea remains an essential element of Chinese herbal medicine, more preventive than curative. Without calorie or sodium, tea is also recommended to accompany a diet without salt.

Why does tea stimulate "without annoying"?
While caffeine produces a peak of intensity in our body that falls after 2 to 3 hours, the theine circulates in the body for a longer period of time that can go from 6 to 8 hours and more evenly.
Some teas are more stimulating than others, such as Japanese teas that contain more vitamin C.
At L'Autre Thé, we do not offer detheined teas because of the chemical components used for this procedure.
There is, however, a natural method for detoxifying tea: discard the water of a first teapot, allowing it to infuse barely a minute. Theine is released as soon as it comes into contact with hot water. By drinking the 2nd water, you will find the aromas of your tea, but without the theine.
We also offer infusions, fruit water and rooibos (called red teas) without theine.