Sobacha Japonais

Buckwheat infusion

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Sobacha Japonais

Buckwheat infusion - Japon - En stock

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These buckwheat seeds are grown in Japan. The name "Sobacha" comes from the Japanese "soba" (buckwheat) and "cha" (tea). Sobacha is traditionally drunk on a daily basis in Japan. It is naturally gluten- and theine-free.

Infusing the seeds in hot water produces a thirst-quenching beverage with a distinct toasted flavor, reminiscent of dried fruit (hazelnuts, chestnuts, etc.), buckwheat pancakes and toast. Our Sobacha Japonais has a much stronger aroma than our Sobacha Breton Bio, which is milder. These two complementary profiles will enable you to find the Sobacha that best suits your tastes and habits. This Japanese Sobacha is produced in Japan, and its flavor palette and intensity are typical of the way it's consumed there.

Rich in fiber and antioxidants, buckwheat seeds also contain minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium) and are thus highly remineralizing: ideal for helping you overcome a bout of fatigue.


Roasted buckwheat seeds.

Temperature of Infusion


Infusion time

5 min


3 g / 30 cl

Theine content

Theine free

Time of the day

All day long

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