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Organic Japanese green tea
for the tea ceremony
Organic Japanese green tea for the tea ceremony - Japon - En stock
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The organic Matcha tea is a Japan green tea reduced to powder. In Japan it is mostly used for the tea ceremony and it doesn’t infuse like the other teas : it is whisked in a bowl with a bamboo whisk. It is considered as one of the most refined teas. It is also very rich in antioxidants that is why it is used in Okinawa diet. It is also used in bakery.
Organic certified by Bureau Veritas FR-BIO-10
Green tea * powder from Japan. * From organic farming
Pour 2 slightly rounded bamboo spoons (2 to 3 g) into a bowl, add 7 cl to 10 cl of water at 80 ° C and whip vigorously for 30 seconds following a W-shaped movement for 30 seconds.
1 g / 5 cl
GINOU P. published the 30/08/2024 following an order made on 11/08/2024
Déçue il est amer
Marie-Agnès A. published the 17/05/2024 following an order made on 03/05/2024
un des meilleurs Matcha que je connaisse ! J'adore les Matcha L'autre thé
Anonymous A. published the 15/07/2022 following an order made on 18/06/2022
Ma première dégustation de thé matcha , moi qui aime le thé vert je voulais essayer ; il est très peu amer et peu astringent effectivement, on s'y habitue
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